Founded in Brussels in 2014, the non-profit organization De Bedoeling vzw provides a working structure, production support and studio facilities for artists, fostering collaboration on projects and curating resulting work into exhibitions and publications. The organization is also active in education, supporting artists in workshops, master classes, lectures, and mentorship programs.
Studio manager: Victoria Gonzalez-Figueras
Studio: Lehonplein 14, 1030 Schaarbeek, Belgium
BE 0546 823 543
Max Pinckers (BE)
Gauthier Oushoorn (BE)
Margaux Schwarz (FR)
Victoria Gonzalez-Figueras (CA/BE)
Estate of E201 Rudy Latoir (BE)
Lyre Press
Photo Atelier
The School of Speculative Documentary
Past Collaborations:
Ingel Vaikla (EE)
Alexis Gautier (FR)
Sam Weerdmeester (NL)
Mathieu Asselin (FR/VE)
Quinten De Bruyn (BE)